Friday, August 6, 2010

EXPLORING SECOND LIFE : Location #2 : Numbakulla Island

Numbakulla Island, a fantasy and beautiful place where people especially who love beautiful landscape and nature, could spend their remaining days in this place. The first impression when I reached here was, this place really give me a feeling of Role Playing Game. The small cave located at the entrance looks like a tunnel which connected to a paradise. When I'm entering this place, I feel that something beautiful is right in front of me. After going through the cave, there was a small town, and this scene is absolutely fantastic for me. I never think of this scene actually, and this environment probably never exist in real life.

The big flower reminded me of some fairy tale stories, while the design of the building is very much like what I seen in some Japanese RPG. I can feel that I'm in a very safe and freedom place when I'm going through this small town, especially the color and the objects surrounding which make this place as beautiful as a fantasy world, the raining effect showed in the very first time right after I entered this place was awesome.

(Pictures below)

The entrance of the island.

The first scene after I walked out from the tunnel cave.

Perspective angle view of this area, one word to describe this - fantasy.

Beside this place, there are another place, probably another town where people could feel themselves being to another world (civilization) compared to the first one. The first town I went is very beautiful while this one reminded me of city of abandon, although it never really damaged, but my first impression was that. When I'm exploring this area, what I felt is the environment looks very much like those old villages which often seen in many historical movie, drama, game and so on, and at the end of this town, there was an indoor building where exhibited quite plenty of pictures on the wall, but for me, this indoor gallery has a different feeling compared to the outdoor design of this area.

At the top of this area, there is another place where looked much alike with this one. From here I felt that I was at a walk through process to going through these all different civilization. The last part is just beyond this area, and here is another beautiful place. It might not existed in real world but what I get from this place was the different civilization of all these places. After exploring this island, I experienced something that never going to experience in real world. The environment probably might just exists in movie and game. The feeling is great when I exploring all these place, which like an adventure walk through story. Not much interactions I could find in this island but the overall walk through in this island is awesome, because I always wanted to see a real paradise when I was a kid.

A beautiful design (probably a water dam).

One of the best beautifully designed area located within a big tree in this island.

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