Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 5

Ahh, what a busy week! Tons of assignments and works.

We visited to National Science Centre on Tuesday for Interaction Studies class. Well, the place didn't looks like what I was expected, and felt a little bit boring since the place is not crowded, and some of the interesting objects are not operating, and we going to do a case study as the assignment for Interaction Studies. Next week

Oh well, wednesday Experiential Studies class was quite long compared to the previous classes, cause we are given a lecture about Disney by the Dean Dr Harold. We also watched a documentary on Disney, and finally I knew what actually Disneyland is. I was disappointed when I was at California 6 years ago but unable to visit to Disneyland which I really wanted to go to since I was a kid. After watching the video Dr Harold showed in the class, I became more desperate and hope I am able to visit to Disneyland in the next few years, doesn't matter where it would be.

Next Wednesday we will be going to Aquaria and PetroScience, hope it will be a good experience for us, not like when we visited to IMAX at Time Square few weeks ago.

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